Saturday 19 April 2014

Hopes, Fears and opportunities

Again, we as a group have been asked to share our hopes, fears and opportunities.
Mine, personally have not changed since my first post on this subject in september.
I still hope to pass the course with my desired grade, my only real fear is that I wont achieve that outcome.
If pushed to add more, I would say now that the end is in sight, there is a deep down fear that maybe after all the work and effort, that I am not cut out to be a teacher.
I have sat down by myself numerous times and asked myself the same thing.
From a lad who at his own admission, is at home doing manual labour, a job that holds very little responsibility, its a worrying thought, that after 3 years at almost 30 years old, what if at the end of it, I am not cut out for the role I set out on this journey to take.
These are fears I can quickly put to bed with confidence, I am surrounded by a great circle of family, who themselves provide the inspiration I need to succeed, but their belief in me provides me with enough of anything I would need to dispel any thoughts of failure of inadequacy.
If I couple that with the direction and relationship I have built up with my current tutors, I know I have all the ingredients needed to actually move on and achieve the goals that were the catalyst for even 'going back to school'.
That being said, my hopes have not changed much either, they still go hand in hand with my fears.
I hope I don't fail, the same way fear failure.
I hope I can go on and achieve my dreams, I hope I don't end up failing my long term goals,
but the bottom line with these hopes and fears is this... Me.
It is down to me to make sure I don't fail, the power is in my hands, my tutors have made that perfectly clear... I can do whatever I want if I put in the work.
My Dad taught me the same thing from being young, you will get everything you deserve as long as you put in the work.
As for opportunities, these things are something that I have learned quite a lot about in the last 6 months.
At one point just before Christmas, with three young kids to provide for, my time got stretched that thin, coupled with juggling uni work, and earning enough money to stay afloat I was closer to dropping out than I have ever been.
To the point I had typed out the email and left it in my drafts box.
Before I made the decision to hit send, I was asked to do a commission, nothing special, just a usual run of the mill footballer portrait.
I did the painting... £65, not to be sniffed at, but was hardly a light at the end of the tunnel, yet the person I painted for later got back to me stating his friend had seen my work and wanted some doing.
Once I had finished talking to this mutual friend, I had negotiated a deal worth almost £700.
All because I had met an opportunity, regardless of size, head on.
It helped myself and family towards a comfortable christmas which in turn led me to believe that this is what I should be doing.
It is never going to be all plain sailing, but if something is worth chasing, chase it.
That instance was inspiration enough to help me fight through all the negative times, where my head sunk low and I was doubting myself, (which I know now is also natural) because hard work pays off.
Now, unless I'm hit by a bus, with my family and tutor group behind me, I am going to trudge forwards and achieve the goals I set out to, three years ago,
Heading towards my graduation, a pretty satisfied and fully determined young art teacher.

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