I fIrst encountered Johns work in the first year of my degree course when writing a blog post about works I wish that I had done, the example I chose was this poignant, simple but very effective image to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence in London.

So my reasoning in asking Jon to review my work was the depth and level of meaning within his work, this was something I myself needed and so advice and direction from somebody with the elements in their work that I crave for my own was going to be ideal and pretty priceless.
Here is what Jon had to say..
Hi Mark Have had a look at your site and I think your "watercolour" works are by far the best work on the site. I think the others featuring music and sports icons are too similar to what is already out there, and if you are to do it then maybe think how you can make if more original and in a style of your own. I also was insure with those images whether they were actually painted or just digitally manipulated photographs. If the former then you need to do something to show that either photographing the artworks so I can see textures of the canvas or scale of the image may also help. I think you could look at the watercolours too and keep pushing it again to develop your style. Or even experimenting with the media you use to paint on? Eg. Old recycled packaging or cardboard boxes could add an interesting dimension to the work. Imagine a series of sportspeople but illustrated on old sports shoe boxes? Anyways that's all I got for you right now, but I hope you find it constructive and helpful. Warmest regards Johnny
So again a very short and to the point review, but also very helpful even offering ideas for future works, with plenty to mull over and take on board.
Jon also touched the same points that Kelzo and Chris Howker made in previous reviews.
This has struck home to the full extent now, that my work though aesthetically pleasing just does not stand out and its up to me to change that.
I will provide a link to Jon's website for you all to browse and appreciate in your own time.
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