Saturday, 23 June 2012

My Mojo's Back

Well its been three weeks since  my first post, and ts been a hectic to say the least!
 To say I have got the bit back between my teeth and found my 'mojo' is some thing of an understatement.
The painting I had finished and posted on my last blog, got some fantastic feedback via facebook and word of mouth, so much so that I have had five additional commisions and much more in the way of interest and enquiries! even using a painting as method of payment to get my laptop repaired!!
I decided to put together a 'catalogue' style portfolio for potential clients and commisioners to look over and see what my work is about and what to expect from my if they do decide they would like to commision me.
There is something extremely satisfying about being payed to do something you actually enjoy doing, and the level of  'job' satisfaction, when I step back and look at a finished peice, is quite unreal and spurs you onto the next peice like nothing else.

My catalogue, at the minute consists of small portraits of iconic People, from sports, film and music as well historical figures, ready to be transferred onto canvas.
From George Best to Malcolm X, I am slowly adding to the list all the time so any suggestions would be welcome!

Below are a few examples that I am personally proud of.

I chose these examples as they recieved the most acclaim and praise, so, for now its literally back to the drawing board (or easel), and  will try not to leave it so long before my next blog,

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