Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Upping the Output

Again, I have left it way too long since my last post.
There is no real excuse for this except I am struggling for motivation and content at the minute!
I have been on the look out for something new, something that really strikes me, something that does not just attract me but jumps out, slaps my face, ruffles my hair and says HERE I AM!.
So far...nothing, but i will keep searching and hopefully find this Holy Grail of inspiration and then my blog will explode and it wont be six weeks between posts!
In the mean time, I am just going to have to give myself a kick in the rear and just work a bit harder I suppose,
So what have I been doing when not looking for the ultimate inspiration!?...
Looking at Banksy, that's what *sigh*... personally Banksy's work does not tickle my fancy or make me sit up thinking WOW!!.
Granted, Banksy has found a way of expressing his political views and opinions to the masses while keeping his anonymity, I cannot understand the simple fact his work is seen as art and yet other pieces of Graffiti or Street Art which even at the slightest glance or to the least artistic eye are a hundred times more complicated and time consuming are considered mere vandalism.
Anyway my tangent there is taking me off point, I was looking at his work not as an admirer but as somebody looking for examples of protest art, and love it or hate it, this is something that Banksy does very well.
The satire and wit found within Banksy's work appeals to me, the fun and cheek of certain pieces really stands out as something i can relate to.
I played with the idea of some cross over work, perhaps stencils and photography, (also using Ben Heine as inspiration) to produce some protest art of my own.
Then comes the personal conflict, should I? or do I continue to forage and scrap around my own mind in an attempt to come up with something entirely original? Is there anything left to be considered original!?
(I would normally include a link to her website here but i struggled to find one)
So... I continued looking.... onto Gillian Wearing, and her 'Confessions' works, this gave me an idea surrounding people, and their opinions, because how can you protest without people!?.
That leads me to where I am today really!... a head full of half ideas and a few large scruffy sheets of rough doodles!
Hopefully in the next blog, I will have had a brain wave, a superfluous idea or just plain old struck by lightning and in that case probably wont care about protest art!
Either way it wont be six weeks until the next post!!
Ill leave you with some of the images that I found lit small fires of inspiration under me to at least get me to this point.

Above are a couple of examples of Ben Heine's camera vs pencil works, I chose these Images because i felt they carried underlying messages about society today, religion and other such topics, below is another link to the artists website (actually a really nice website, I sat, just watching the homepage for ten  minutes!)

Above is Bankys's work, I dont think they need much of an explaination really, his work speaks for itself and always works better when the viewer is drawing his/her own conclusions on it.
Again a link to his website...

And finally two exmples of Gillian Wearings 'Confessions', id like to provide a link to her website but cant seem to find one that isnt sourced by that pesky wikipedia.